OPENED - Orchard Pesticide Effects on Natural Enemies Database

What is OPENED?

Pesticides can cause secondary pest outbreaks by disrupting the predators and parasitoids (aka natural enemies) of these pests. This searchable database provides comprehensive information on side effects of pesticides on natural enemies. The list of pesticides is currently limited to registered and WSU-recommended materials for Washington State tree fruits.

How to Use OPENED:

Pesticide effects can be searched by chemical name or by crop and target pest for chemical control. The range of known pesticide effects can be viewed summarized for all natural enemies or for a sub-group of natural enemies that consume a certain type of secondary pest (aphids, mites, etc.). Stars indicate where pesticide effects are based on extensive evaluations of acute toxicity as well as long-term mortality, infertility, egg hatch, etc. that impact overall natural enemy population growth."